

Clare Reddington at dConstruct 2014 – Brighton Dome

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Patrick Geddes
Bristol Watershed Arts – Pervasive Media Studio
Gordon Cullen

Play theory

Miguel Sicart – Why We Play
Physical play creates longer and stronger social bonds
Utrecht travel accelerator – slide. No one used it because they didn’t want to get ‘fat like Americans’ said someone

Bounce to work

Colombian mayor mime artists
People are more scared of looking silly that getting fined
Giant water slide along a city – Luke Jerram
We don’t think these are playable city
We need to reuse city infrastructure and reinvent it by hacking and re-appropriate and riff of a city using what’s there as a set that you could never afford

Zombie game

2.8 hours late zombie street game – Slingshot Effect
Slingshot . To survive is to collaborate with people you don’t know
Real memories remain. Exploring dystopia and disorder by allowing you to let go
Encouraging people to use the stairs over using the escalator by making it more fun
Other intervention shoes you how many calories you are burning on each step that you move up- no tech here

Hello lamppost

Hello Lamppost website
What’s the simplest thing you can ask people to do in a city – send a text message.
Twilio simulation rather than AI
It’s simple tech but it works and as long as it works people don’t care
Different objects had different characters
You have to design things for people playing for the first time
Easter eggs and opener objects
Kevin lynch (read)
Shadows cast during the say we played back after dark
Using 8 lamp posts
Lampposts are ubiquitous things in the city
Raises questions of anonymity and community

Privacy and anonymity are an issue

Designs are open to new use cases not just single instance
Need to change the context of the city and start conversations about social change
Create a new civic conversation
Michael Sailstorfer
Folkestone beach buries 10,000 pounds in gold in beach
Bat kid sanfrancisco fulfilling the wishes of a child

At the end of the talk we were all handed a bit of chalk. Elly Boulboul and I headed for some roadworks on Queens Road where I fulfilled a old fantasy of drawing shoes onto the feet of street barriers.
Chalkify Your City


Playable city – memes for cities

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