How do I start connecting the dots of a scattered artistic practice so that they all make sense?

It’s the first day of hands on computing at Brighton Uni’s MA in digital media arts. Working with visiting lecturer Sam Proud of Proud Spark. “Build a blog”! he said, so i did and here it is.

Talking with Davide last night I realised that over the last 15 years my concern is with how to make decisions and get along with people to make life balance. How to organise family, work and art to fit the fast paced, have-it-all culture in which I live and which frankly I find hard to imagine being outside of (although it would be nice to picture that world).


So we agreed that we would bring the world into our lives through my work. Davide said “I can’t see how the dots join up? I feel lost” so bringing together ‘choice chance and circumstance’ into the mundanity of domestic juggling, I will try to work with this theme and explore how to present back to Davide, the kids, myself and ultimately the world a way in which we can understand better the common contemporary connundrum of trying to ‘make it work’ against the odds.

Blogging is terrifying. So to make it easier I’m going to try to make this easy. Using micro-blogging and social sharing to gather together fragments will help to see the dots – the joining up will evolve as i go along.


Connecting the dots

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